bypass surgery - vertaling naar Engels
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bypass surgery - vertaling naar Engels

Arterial bypass; Bypass (surgical)

coronary artery bypass surgery         
  • Illustration of a typical coronary artery bypass surgery. A vein from the leg is removed and grafted to the coronary artery to bypass a blockage at LAD.
  • With Coronary Angiography, stenotic lesions of the coronaries arteries are identified.
  • surgeon]] on the right) is the venous cannula (receives blood from the body). The patient's [[heart]] is stopped and the [[aorta]] is cross-clamped. The patient's head (not seen) is at the bottom.
  • saphenous vein]] grafts – one to the right coronary artery system and one to the obtuse marginal system.
  • p=1552}}
CABG; Heart bypass; Coronary artery bypass graft; Triple bypass; Quadruple bypass; Heart bypass surgery; Coronary Bypass; Quadruple bypass surgery; Coronary artery bypass; CABGS; Coronary artery bypass graft surgery; Coronary bypass surgery; Triple bypass surgery; Heart bypass, right; Heart bypass, left; Cardiac bypass; Coronary Artery Bypass surgery; Coronary bypass; OPCABG; Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting; Coronary artery bypass operation; Aortocoronary bypass; Off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery; Coronary bypass operation; Coronary artery bypass grafting; Bypass operation; Quadruple heart bypass surgery; Cardiac bypass surgery; Quadruple-bypass; Bypass grafting; Triple-bypass heart surgery; Triple bypass heart surgery; Heart revascularization; Double heart bypass operation
(n.) = cirugía de bypass de arteria coronaria
Ex: Few rural hospitals were capable of emergent catheterization, angioplasty, or coronary artery bypass surgery; cardiologists, though readily available by phone, were rarely available on-site.
bypass surgery         
(n.) = cirugía de bypass, bypass
Ex: This study describes the influence of aerobic training on the cardiorespiratory fitness of 31 coronary artery disease patients who had undergone bypass surgery.
bypass surgery         
operación de desviación, de bypass


bypass (ingl.; pronunc. [baipás]; pl. "bypass" o "bypasses", pronunc. [baipás] o [baipáses]) m. Med. Intervención quirúrgica que tiene por objeto restablecer el flujo sanguíneo en una arteria dañada.


Bypass surgery

Bypass surgery refers to a class of surgery involving rerouting a tubular body part.

Types include:

  • Vascular bypass surgery such as coronary artery bypass surgery, a heart operation
  • Cardiopulmonary bypass, a technique used in coronary artery bypass surgery
  • Weight loss or Bariatric surgery:
    • Vertical banded gastroplasty surgery or "stomach stapling", the upper part of the stomach is permanently stapled to create a smaller pouch
    • Adjustable gastric band or "lap band", a band creates a pocket in the stomach that can be adjusted with a port placed just under the skin
    • Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery, the small intestine is connected to the upper part of the stomach
    • Partial ileal bypass surgery, shortening the final portion of the small intestine
    • Popliteal bypass surgery, to treat diseased leg arteries above or below the knee
    • Jejunojejunostomy, surgery that connects two portions of small intestine and is no longer used
      • Ileojejunal bypass, surgery that connects the middle and final portions of the small intestine that was experimental and is no longer used.
Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor bypass surgery
1. My father died during heart bypass surgery
Getting There _ Gillian Segal _ Talks at Google
2. and damage suffered in cardiac-bypass surgery.
3. After he had this quadruple bypass surgery, he went vegan,
Work-Life Stress Management _ Gadadhar Pandit _ Talks at Google
4. hospital for coronary bypass surgery because habits in their lives have led them there,
Change Anything - The New Science of Personal Success _ Joseph Grenny _ Talks at Google
5. I was learning how to do bypass surgery with Michael DeBakey
Transforming Lives and Healthcare _ Dean Ornish _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor bypass surgery
1. Shortly before the trial, he had quadruple–bypass surgery.
2. His weight then ballooned, prompting gastric bypass surgery in 2005.
3. He had gastric bypass surgery and was 540 pounds in May.
4. In 1''8, he underwent bypass surgery and later suffered cardiac arrest.
5. The second drug is dexanabinol itself, but as a treatment for post–bypass surgery patients.